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[hide]Course Overview
Goal: Teach you what you need to know in order to be able to rapidly prototype an intelligent appliance.
You will learn about:
- 3d design (solidworks, inventor, sketchup)
- 3d physical production (glue, laser cutting, 3d printing0
- Embedded computing (arduino, basic stamp)
- Embedded sensors
- Embedded actuators
How we're going to do it:
- Building physical things:
- Wood bridge
- Rubber band car
- Embedded computing with sensors and actuators
- Arduino (via spark fun tinker kit)
- Build and race a robot:
- Boebot
- Final project
Course Logistics
- Self-driven course.
- We are your coach.
- First phase of course is oriented around forcing you to learn about a number of technologies/skills.
- Physical: Wood cutting, 3D printing, glueing
- Computing
- Sensing
- Actuating
- Final phase
- You use those skills to build a project that blows us away!
- Required milestones: Skill Demos.
We will normal meet in CCB 337. That room only accommodates 30 people. Accordingly, the course will meet as follows:
- Section A: Tuesdays 12-1:30
- Section B: Thursdays 12-1:30
- Occasionally meet in CCB 102, will be announced.
- TAs will also hold separate office hours to be posted later.
Required Items
- You must purchase: Can be purchased at GT Bookstore, at Parallax or via amazon: Parallax-28832 Programmable Boe-Bot Robot Kit USB version
- You must purchase: Plastic box for keeping your stuff 14.2 x 9 x 7 inches: at amazon
- Provided by the class: spark fun tinker kit (required $20 deposit, check payable to Georgia Tech, or cash).
The GVU prototyping lab:
Remote desktop (SolidWorks and Adobe Suites are pre-installed):
SolidWorks Tutorials for beginners:
Export and adjust layout for laser cutting from SolidWorks:
GaTech's laser cutter quick tutorial:
ECE virtual lab:
Great free online PDF for some electronics basics and sensory integration.
The following skill demos are based on the SparkFun Tinker Kit.
- Skill Demo #1: SparkFun Part 1 File:2016-skill-1.pdf
- Skill Demo #2: SparkFun Part 2 File:2016-skill-1.pdf
subject to change
Final grade is calculated as follows:
- Skill Demos 1- 9: 40%
- Weighted Equally
- Rubberband Car Final Demo: 20%
- Final Project: 40%
- Final Project Proposal and Milestone 1: 8%
- Final Project Demonstration: 28%
- Final Project Report: 4%